Ash is the commonest tree in Irish hedgerows, and is also a traditional woodland species.
Ash is one of the last trees to come into leaf and is one of the first to lose its leaves in autumn. The seeds are clumps of winged keys. The pale dense timber makes good firewood and is also used for hurley sticks, snooker cues and furniture.
Ash Dieback disease (Chalara fraxinea) was confirmed in Ireland in October 2012 (on plants imported from continental Europe). As of 31 October 2014, there have been a total of 143 confirmed findings of the disease located throughout the country including four positive findings in nearby hedgerows.
What is it? Ash die back is a serious disease of ash trees caused by the fungal pathogen Chalara fraxinea (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). It has spread rapidly across much of Europe. The disease can affect ash trees of any age and in any setting. The disease can be fatal, particularly among younger trees. What does it look like? The wide range of symptoms associated with ash die back includes: * foliage wilt to black/brown leaves may be retained; * shoot die back with brownish to orange discolouration, often multiple shoots; and, * elongated angular stem lesions, often diamond shaped. How can it spread? Many details associated with the biology of Chalara fraxinea still remain unclear. However, it is likely that plants for planting and wood are pathways for spread over long distances and the disease may be introduced into Ireland through the imports of ash plants and wood, including firewood, from continental European countries. What to do? Forest and land owners are asked to be vigilant for the disease and to report (with photographs, if possible) any sites where they have concerns about unusual ill health in ash, to the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: by email (; or, by phone (01-607 2651). Please do not remove any plant material from a site containing suspect trees. Also, please observe the following hygiene measures on sites where the disease is suspected or where an ash survey is being carried out to help avoid its potential spread: * footwear: wash off all soil and plant debris from boots. Spray your boots with disinfectant and dispose of any used water onto an area where the water will not run into a watercourse. * clothing: check all clothing for any plant material. * tools and equipment: wash off all soil and plant debris, and disinfect and dispose of any used water onto an area where the water will not run into a watercourse. When visiting a forest: * do not remove any plant material from the site. * clean clothes and footwear of any plant material, including leaves, before leaving the forest.